Lunar CRater Observation and Sensing Satellite (LCROSS)

The Lunar CRater Observation and Sensing Satellite ( LCROSS ) is a robotic spacecraft operated by NASA , which is currently orbiting the Earth and is targeted for impact on the Moon early October 2009. [ 2 ] LCROSS is designed to watch as the launch vehicle's spent Centaur upper stage, with a nominal impact mass of 2,305 kg (5,081 lb), strikes the Cabeus A crater [ 3 ] near the south pole of the Moon (projected impact at the lunar South Pole is currently: Oct 9, 2009 at 11:30 UTC). LCROSS was launched on June 18, 2009, together with the Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter as part of the shared Lunar Precursor Robotic Program , the first American mission to the Moon in over ten years. Together, LCROSS and LRO form the vanguard of NASA's return to the Moon. [ 4 ] Early in the morning on August 22, 2009, LCROSS ground controllers discovered an anomaly due to a sensor issue, the spacecraft burned through 309 pounds of fuel, resulting in more than half of remaining fuel at the t...