
Showing posts from February, 2011

Discovery's Final Flight Carries Special Meaning for Shuttle Astronauts

HOUSTON – Amid the flurry of settling in to life onboard the International Space Station, astronauts on the space shuttle Discovery's mission have taken time to contemplate the significance of this shuttle's historic final flight. Discovery arrived at the space station yesterday (Feb. 26) for one last visit before the shuttle is retired from service at the end of this mission. The six astronauts who are flying the orbiter on its final flight are veteran spaceflyers, including several astronauts who have completed long duration stays at the massive orbiting laboratory. So, while Discovery's trip to space station is the orbiter's swan song, it is also something of a homecoming for some of the shuttle's astronauts. "I spent six and a half months here in 2009, and I loved it up here – I didn't want to leave," mission specialist Michael Barratt told reporters today in a press briefing from the station. "For me, the mission has a lot of meaning. It...

Gerhana Bulan Dan Matahari Untuk 2011 : NASA

Four partial solar and two total lunar eclipses take place in 2011. This 4:2 combination of solar and lunar eclipses in a single year is rather rare with only six cases during the 21st Century (2011, 2029, 2047, 2065, 2076 and 2094). The first and last eclipses always occur in January and December. The dates and types of eclipses during 2011 are as follows. 2011 Jan 04: Partial Solar Eclipse 2011 Jun 01: Partial Solar Eclipse 2011 Jun 15: Total Lunar Eclipse 2011 Jul 01: Partial Solar Eclipse 2011 Nov 25: Partial Solar Eclipse 2011 Dec 10: Total Lunar Eclipse Predictions for the eclipses are summarized in Figures 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 , and 6 . World maps show the regions of visibility for each eclipse. The lunar eclipse diagrams also include the path of the Moon through Earth's shadows. Contact times for each principal phase are tabulated along with the magnitudes and geocentric coordinates of the Sun and Moon at greatest eclipse. All times and dates used in this publication are in Un...

5 Jam Gerhana Bulan Separa Pada 22 Mei 1453 Lemahkan Semangat Byzantium ?

6 April 1453 Al-Fateh memulakan kepungan ke atas Konstantinople. 18 April serangan pertama dilancarkan. 21-22 April 70 buah kapal dipindahkan melalui jalan darat. 6-12 Mei serangan seterusnya digandakan untuk menembusi dinding. 29 Mei Al-Fateh berjaya memasuki Konstantinople dari pintu Topkapi. Ini adalah angka-angka tarikh penting dari Profesor Mehmet Maksudoglu, pengkaji sejarah Usmaniah dari sumber asal Usmaniah itu sendiri (Osmanli History 1289-1922 Based on Osmanli Sources, page 72-73). NASA pula mengesahkan 22 Mei 1453 berlakunya kejadian gerhana bulan separa. Saya menulis di dengan meninggalkan persoalan kepada pembaca : "Petanda buruk dari gerhana bulan adalah suatu kepercayaan tahyul rakyat dan pemerintah Byzantium. Maharaja Konstantinople 11, Paleologos diriwayatkan pernah mengatakan bahawa Kontantinople tidak akan jatuh selagi matahari dan bulan wujud. Demikian besarnya kepercayaan nujum mereka bersandarkan fenomena alam pada bulan dan matahari te...

Astronomy Calendar of Celestial Events for Calendar Year 2011

January 3, 4 - Quadrantids Meteor Shower. The Quadrantids are an above average shower, with up to 40 meteors per hour at their peak. The shower usually peaks on January 3 & 4, but some meteors can be visible from January 1 - 5. Best viewing will be from a dark location after midnight. Look for meteors radiating from the constellation Bootes. January 4 - New Moon. The Moon is directly between the Earth and the Sun and is not visible. This phase occurs at 09:03 UTC. January 4 - Partial Solar Eclipse. The partial eclipse will be visible in most parts of northern Africa, Europe, and Asia. ( NASA Map and Eclipse Information ) January 19 - Full Moon. The Moon will be directly opposite the Earth from the Sun and will be fully illuminated as seen from Earth. This phase occurs at 21:21 UTC. This full moon was known by early Native American tribes as the Full Wolf Moon because this was the time of year when hungry wolf packs howled outside their camps. This moon has also been know as t...

Jadual Gerhana Bulan Dan Matahari Untuk 2011 Mengikut Waktu Malaysia

Tahun 2011 bakal menyaksikan 6 peristiwa gerhana akan berlaku. 4 darinya ialah gerhana matahari separa dan 2 darinya ialah gerhana bulan penuh. Untuk kita di Malaysia, hanya gerhana bulan sahaja yang dapat diikuti di sini iaitu pada 16 Jun pada jam 4.13 pagi dan 10 Disember pada jam 10.33 malam. Gerhana matahari tidak kelihatan kerana kawasan liputan gerhana matahari adalah sangat kecil berbanding gerhana bulan. Waktu berikut adalah waktu di Malaysia. Jan 04 Selasa 16:52 Gerhana Matahari Separa (tidak kelihatan di Malaysia) Jun 02 Khamis 05:17 Gerhana Matahari Separa (tidak kelihatan di Malaysia) 16 Khamis 04:13 Gerhana Bulan Penuh Jul 01 Jumaat 16:39 Gerhana Matahari Separa (tidak kelihatan di Malaysia) Nov 25 Jumaat 14:22 Gerhana Matahari Separa (tidak kelihatan di Malaysia) Dis 10 Sabtu 22:33 Gerhana Bulan Penuh