
Showing posts from August, 2010

New Fossil Evidence for Life on Mars?

By: TIME.COM Topics: SPACE , NASA , MARS , MARS RECONNAISSANCE ORBITER NASA/Bryan Allen/Corbis Scientists say a collection of ancient rocks could hold evidence of life on Mars some four billion years ago.. The find comes from Nili Fossae, a fracture in the surface of Mars. The area is remarkably similar to a similar formation in Australia, thought to harbor the earliest examples of life found on earth. Though scientists have discovered no actual signs that life ever existed in the region -- the study was conducted via NASA's Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter -- they do believe the area could have been hospitable to life during the planet's history. ( See pictures of the patterns of Mars. ) And if that's true, there's a good chance it left some sort of trace behind. Rocks in this area of Mars have been extant for nearly three-quarters of the history of the planet, lending hope that a fossil record could exist. This is not the first suggestion of life on Mars. In spring 2009, ...

Gempar lihat UFO terapung Di Sabah

“Ketika berada dalam dewan, tiba-tiba seorang wanita menjerit melihat suatu objek mirip piring terbang di langit berhampiran pusat peranginan itu.“Lalu kami keluar untuk mengesahkan dakwaannya dan apa yang saya lihat ia memang satu objek berbentuk bulat dan berwarna biru sedang terapung, tetapi selepas beberapa saat kemudian ia bertukar menjadi warna hijau,” kata seorang tetamu Tuaran Beach Resort, Jemas Dungil, 27.Suasana di pusat peranginan ketika itu gempar apabila satu objek asing seakan-akan piring terbang (UFO) muncul di ruang udara berhampiran pantai peranginan Tuaran di sini, petang kelmarin. Kemunculan objek berkenaan disaksikan beberapa kakitangan dan tetamu pusat peranginan itu yang kebetulan berada di kawasan terbabit.Mereka mendakwa objek mengeluarkan cahaya biru dan hijau itu terapung di ruang udara selama seminit sebelum hilang dalam sekelip mata.Malah, ada di kalangan mereka sempat merakamkan gambar piring terbang itu menggunakan telefon bimbit masing-masing tetapi apa ...