UFO spotted in Klang?

UFO spotted in Klang?

(Courtesy: Sin Chew Daily)

KLANG, SELANGOR: A rumour said an unidentified flying object (UFO) was spotted in Sri Andalas for three nights continuously.

As a result, some residents waited for the UFO Tuesday (16 March) and claimed that they saw an unidentified object that night.

According to the witnesses, they saw an UFO with blue lights circling around the sky for quite a long time.

The Li family from Taman Wira was the first who spotted the UFO. Subsequently, others claimed to have spotted the flying object on the following three nights.

When the news was spread, about 20 residents, equipped with telescopes and cameras, waited for it on Tuesday night.

An unidentified object was spotted in the sky around 8pm. However, it was too far away. Although the residents were able to see it, they failed to captured its image with their cameras.

Witness Li Kangwei, 26, told Sin Chew Daily that through a telescope, the UFO was having the same shape as those shown on TV. It was in oval-plate shape with vivid blue lights. When it descended or slowed down, it changed to red lights.

He said that his sister was the first who spotted the UFO. After that, the flying object appeared irregularly on the following three nights. It floated in the sky for about half an hour.

"On those three nights, there were two flying objects. When they were floating in the sky, they floated crisscrossingly."

Li also said that the flying object flew in a high speed which was much faster than ordinary aeroplanes. Therefore, he and his family believed that it was not an aeroplanes.

"An aeroplane would not 'float' in the sky like that. Besides, it was floating higher than aeroplanes. It could not be a remote control aircraft either," he said.

It was the Li family's first time seeing an UFO. But for the past one year, residents from Taman Sentosa, which was not far away from Sri Andalas, also claimed to have spotted an UFO which was also in oval-plate shape, but the UFO appeared in the evening.

Li was feeling sorry as his camera was unable to capture the image of the UFO. Otherwise, he would like to share the photos on the Internet.

(Translated by YOU HSUEH LIN/Sin Chew Daily)

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