This University Offers A Course To Prepare Humans For Massive Contact With Aliens


Extraterrestrial life now goes beyond the Twilight Zone and The X-files TV series and Hollywood movies – because aliens could possibly invade planet Earth one day – if they aren’t already intruding it, one university has decided to prepare students with a course equipped with alien studies.

Akdeniz University in Antalya, Turkey, is offering a course for called “Ufology and Exopolitics” which focuses on unidentified flying objects (UFO) and life forms on other planets, aside the alleged secret connection between aliens and the US government.

So Erhan Kolbashi, who is the deputy chairman of Istanbul-based Sirius UFO Space Sciences Research Center and the tutor for the course will prepare his students for a proper welcome to visitors from space.

Among topics he revealed that will be discussed in the course are 'UFOs and science,' ancient aliens, abductions, and even the crop circle phenomenon.

Kolbashi believes in the next 10 to 15 years humanity will necessarily come into contact with extraterrestrial civilizations, and just like a sci-fi movie, he expects humanity and aliens will soon hold an official meeting with each other.

“We are confident that this will be an open and massive contact, “Kolbashi told Dogan, adding that the course prepare humans for the “biggest change in the history of the world.”

Additionally, he blames a secret group established by the US called Majestic 12 (MJ-12), who have been depriving humanity of knowledge related to alien activity on Earth – despite an FBI study earlier debunking the inquiry and declaring the organisation as “fake”.

“This organisation was allegedly established by US President Harry Truman in 1974 for the purpose of protecting national interests,” he said.

“Fiber optic cables, microchips, night vision technology and bullet-proof garments have been produced due to the information gathered from the analyses of crashed UFOs,” he added.

Therefore, he believes the course will also in turn teach more than practical preparations by informing students about reported cover-ups carried out by governments across the globe.

Akdeniz University is a major college founded in 1982 with 31,000 students, and though no details of tuition costs were given, for those who want to be bachelors in alien conspiracies, this could be just the course you’d want to sign up for, that is if you're unafraid of some 'Men in Black' chasing you after class.

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